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Vwax Enterprises Ltd 73767 00200 Agakhan Walk Uchumi Hse Nairobi
Trio Star Investments Ltd 56832-00200 Along Kenyatta Avenue Nairobi
Syphrose Lydia Wesonga 21686-00100 Donholm. Nairobi
Susan Mumbi Wakiumu 68869-00400 Nkruma Lane Opp Uchumi House Nairobi
Smep Dep Taking Micro Fin Ltd 13126 Nairobi Isalu Centre, Rongai Kajiado
Geoffrey Maina Mutugi 1510-00100 Off Ngong Road Nairobi
Shalilah Enterprises 25216-00100 Along Muthaiti Road Nairobi
Robert Mudeche Oluoma 29-50404 Landi Mawe- Dunga Rd Nairobi
Peter Injehu Muhati 65834-00607 Kamiti Medium Prison Nairobi
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